Few weeks after Gbenga Adeyinka’s Laffmattazz in Ibadan, those that supported him in different ways have complained to R over the comedian’s unfulfilled promises to them.

Owners of two night clubs in Ibadan are bitter that Gbenga did not feature any Ibadan- based artist in any of the two shows he held that day contrary to the promise he made when he met with entertainment stakeholders few days before the show.

“It is utter disrespect to those of us who are trying to reposition Ibadan as an entertainment spot for a comedian to come from Lagos and deceive the entire city by promising what he never intended to deliver, fumed the owner of a club in Ring Road.

“Gbenga is my friend, but this is our territory. It is unethical, and crass of him to have assured us that Ibadan-based artistes would be featured in his shows as his own contribution to the development of talents here, but failed to keep his promise,” he continued.

He is not the only one angry with Gbenga, so is the top shot of a broadcasting outfit in the state. R source says the man is livid following the shabby treatment meted to his officials on the day of the event.

“Oga is not happy with Gbenga because he feels he has been used and dumped by the comedian,” the lady informed.

According to her, the station got the nod of their boss to help publicise the show at a reduced rate, but which Gbenga allegedly did not pay after the show as promised.

“He was given more than enough publicity, but he is yet to get back to us. It’s not even the money that Oga is angry about, it is Gbenga’s attitude. Six weeks after the show, Gbenga is yet to write a ‘thank you’ letter to our station,” the lady adds.

Equally disappointed are ABY and SIL who had been assured of a slot each in the show, but didn’t get it.

“That is in the past now, who am I to complain”?, ABY responded. The r&b crooner wants entertainment stakeholders to work together in protecting upcoming artistes in Ibadan.

“They say Ibadan is dry, but they bring their shows here and walk away with millions. Something should be done,” he said.

Responding, Gbenga Adeyinka , said he didn’t understand why stakeholders could be angry as he fulfilled the understanding he had with most of them.

“I don’t understand where you got your tales from. But for the records, yes, we had an agreement with Splash FM management to support and they did wonderfully well with their support, just as other media houses like NTA, City People, and several other newspapers. We wrote for their support and they gave their consent and everything went well.

“As for night clubs, we had an arrangement with 411 for an after party, which we wrote them and they equally gave their consent.

“We would still come back and make the people of Ibadan get all they can in the entertainment industry,”Baron Bada, publicist to Adeyinka promised.