The beautiful thespian, better known as Kofo the first lady, explained that shooting quality movies has not been easy as she takes her time to ensure that whatever movies she produces are passing the right message to the public.
“I produce my own movies because I am proud and passionate about my brand and my name. Everything is not about the clothes we put on, the amount of money we throw around or the most expensive gadgets we carry around. We should pay more attention to things that would change the lives of people around us and the society at large,” she said.
Speaking about her marriage plans with Encomium mag. the fair skinned diva stated that she would gradually settle down when the right time comes stating that it is not everybody that are meant to get married or have kids.
In her words, “I will surely do that once the time is right. One thing I always tell people is not everyone is meant to have kids or even get married. So live your life and when that time is right, you will definitely meet that perfect person.”