NEWSPAPERS have been awash with the imminent return of self-styled king of hip-hop in Nigeria, Eedris Abdulkarim, to the music scene. Since the rap act fought American music star, 50 Cent, over a plane’s first class seat some years ago, his career went on self-destruct. From major concerts he was playing, he began to feature at colleges’ beauty pageants. Some people actually claimed things were so tough he was playing at local beer parlours! But he repented and begged 50 Cent at a show in Abuja where the American told him to ‘go and sin no more’.

But the closure he expected did not come. However, reports have it that he has finished a hit album that may surpass his Jagajaga album. I am therefore appealing on behalf of Eedris to concert organisers (the big ones o) to please see Eedris as a prodigal son and try him out again. He has promised not to fight anyone over anything, not even over a seat at pubs or peppersoup joint. In fact, if he is given another chance, he is ready to sit near the toilet of the plane (attachment); so far he arrives at the venue and performs. He has learnt his lessons and that portion of the bible that talks about humility is Eedris’ favourite read now God is great.