Nigerian radio personality, television host, vlogger, and author Toke Makinwa has advise the female folks that a man can only change if he really wants you.

The author who took to her instagram said love cannot be force out or on someone, a man will always change for someone he likes.

Toke said she has seen when men leave a relationship after 5-10 years and marry someone else and  what baffles her is not that they left for someone but they did all what the previous lady had ask them to do but they refused.

Toke  tried to encourage the ladies not to blame themselves or force them selves on any man because the problem is with the man.

“This!!!! I saw this and screamed amen so loud, same thing I was telling someone yesterday. It has nothing to do with you, stop blaming yourself for not receiving the kind of love you gave out, sometimes these things don’t work because they just aren’t meant to be and that’s ok. People don’t change for who they want; people change when the time is right and quite frankly growth happens when you let it. That “bastard” is someone’s future husband and guess what? She’s not going to see that side of him. Not excusing bad behavior but as I grow and learn, I realize this thing called love cannot be forced. Love yourself enough to swallow that jagged little pill called truth and walk away with your head high. You’ll meet your own king and you won’t need to beg or force him to treat you right. Ladies this one is for you. #Relationshiptalk #OnBecomingFearless? #Loveisagameofwin #evenifyouloseyoustillwin #Takethelesson”

Toke who recently said she washes her bra after she has used it for 3 months is a divorcee after filing for divorce in March 9 2016.

This advice may be as a result of the pains she gained during her marriage.