NOLLYWOOD star actor turned director, Desmond Elliot, was at the National Stadium recently on location. They used the Chinese restaurant there as set. But that is not the issue, after the shoot, to show people in the open air section of the popular hangout in the vicinity that a star was in the vicinity, Elliot came out in full glare, making loud jokes with crew members by a white bus. Desmond boy laughed the loudest among the people there that evening and some of his detractors were quick to say, he wanted to be noticed.
But the Desmond I know is not a notice me kind of person, but then, people do change sha.

Lolo, the caterer
THE actress,Oby Okafor, popularly called Lolo, may have bidded acting farewell. Why did I say so? On Monday night, someone was distributing a complimentary card at Ejike Asiegbu’s permanent table at one popular hangout, a careful look at the card showed Lolo’s picture and the information that she is into professional catering. Her company’s name is De Giggles, so in case you see a card with Lolo’s picture bearing that company’s name; you know who it is. However, her decision to delve into catering may not be unconnected to the global economic meltdown that has refused to leave Nollywood alone.

Chuma Onwudiwe again
NOLLWOOD comedian and Secretary General of Actors Guild of Nigeria, Chuma Onwudiwe, has done it again! Recall I told you how Chuma single-handedly devoured a baby whale at a popular hangout in Surulere some weeks ago, good. Last Friday, he was at it again at the celebrity hangout. It was some minutes past 8pm when the waiter brought the gigantic grilled fish with lots of chips that can feed four people, but it took Chuma and his female companion just 15 minutes (dis nfc na timer o) to demolish the fish obstacle. Attempts to document event for posterity was rebuffed by Chuma, as he kept blocking the camera view with his wide hands.
But did it stop nfc from telling the world even if he has no pictures to show? Whoosai.

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