Passage: 1 John 4:8

“Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love.”

To know God, goes beyond recognizing there’s a God, but to have understanding. When God created the angels, they recognized their creator but they lacked understanding. For this reason, Lucifer (satan) thought it was possible to be greater than God (Isaiah 14:13), and when his thoughts were exposed and lost residence in God’s presence, other angels followed him (Jude 1:6).

He was cast out without knowledge of God, so he doesn’t know love or truth (John 8:44). What a person doesn’t know they cannot mimic, satan can never copy God’s love and his ways can never speak truth because he doesn’t know it. This is important to note because often times we’re seeking to hear God’s voice on a matter, we’re so eager to hear yes or no. Our desire to hear God one-way could open the door to deception by the enemy, because although seeking God for a yes or no, there’s an answer we’re always leaning more towards to, and satan could use that coupled with false signs for you to believe a lie and identify it as God’s voice.

Nevertheless, there’s another way to identify God’s voice in a matter, apart from praying for a sign, watch for His Hand. Wherever God is, there is love and the truth about the matter would connect to the truth within you (Holy Spirit- Spirit of Truth). Understanding love is to define it according to 1 Corinthians 13:4-7, if you can see such qualities in what you’re after, that’s a yes.

I pray we wouldn’t blindly follow something that’s hurting us but we would seek God’s hand, understanding that it’s only through Him that love and truth can exist.

If you have any prayer requests, write me.

– Stephanie Ike