It’s no more news that the feud between Stella Damascus and Doris Simeon is yet unresolved.

The duo have been on longer head ever since Doris Simeon’s husband Daniel Ademinokan left her for co-actress, Stella Damasus.

What worsen the hatred more from Doris is the fact her estranged husband took away the only child Doris had for him to be taken care of by Stella.

In a recent post, Stella Damasus spoke a lot about people claiming victim when they are really not victims.

This sounds more like a message being passed to someone, and no one else fits into this description, if not Doris Simeon.

In her words: ” Some people are really not VICTIMS in every situation. They have only acquired the VICTIM MENTALITY so that they can always blame everyone else for all that has happened to them. They do not like to take responsibility for their actions. It’s never their fault. It’s easier for them to shift the blame to others and allow themselves to dwell in self pity. WAKE UP! You can never be successful or respected if people around you can perceive your MENTALITY and MODE OF OPERATION. It makes you WEAK and INSECURE. LEADERSHIP is far from your reach. GET RID of this PERSONALITY AND MIND KILLER and take responsibility for what you do. Never be afraid to own up to your mistakes and face whatever comes with it with the knowledge that you can LEARN from it and RISE above it.”

Could she really be referring to Doris Simeon?