Who can even shut the mouth of Nollywood actress, Foluke Daramola ? She has been fighting here and there on the social media because she is still maintaining her stance on the gender inequality bill. She has made it clear that  the role of a man cannot be the same with the role of a woman.

Some feminists  have fought her over her opinion on the raging conversation about the Gender Equality Bill and she doesn’t care “The backlash is nothing to me, I just wanted to drive home a point. The funny thing is that things like that increase my fan base. If there was no conflict, no one would go to my page to find out what is going on. It makes my account more active and the more the merrier for me. Don’t forget that I am a brand, when things like that happen, it is more money for me. It is an advantage to me.” She said

She added  “Hillary and Bill Clinton cannot be the president of the US at the same time. Bill Clinton had to teach her the grinds and she followed suit. The bible says that the man would love the woman and she would submit and respect the man. That position can never be over-emphasised. I just wanted to drive some message home”

Do you think she is right?