We are so loving our mothers more right now. Nollywood actress/comedienne, Helen Paul who put to bed in 2011 speaks about being a mother with Africa Magic Entertainment and how it is a joyous experience. She said it’s exciting and sets one on a whole new level. She said;

One of the sweetest things of early motherhood is watching out for the first word s/he learns to say correctly. A mom will also definitely be happy to see her baby grow up into a well brought up, intelligent, and well-rounded individual,”

“One of the greatest joys for every mom is having a virtuous and God fearing child that makes her proud in his or her everyday life and accomplishments.”

When asked what she looks forward to as a mother, she replied;

I look forward to the sound of my baby’s voice. He has a way of announcing to me that he’s up every morning and I recognize it well (laughs). I always look forward to praying with him and my husband, and yes he does pray well. Then I look forward to taking him to school which he has also gotten really used to, surprisingly.

The sweetest thing her son has done for her;

He sings regularly for me (his favorite is one of the songs from Barney and Friends). He also prays regularly for me (he has a way of placing his little hands on my head and whispering stuff that only God understands).

On my birthday, he sort of recognized that something was happening, with cakes and stuff all around the house – he simply stepped out excited with a beautiful outfit and sang, danced, and took pictures. I find those simple things he does very fascinating.

The joy of motherhood, what would you say is your favorite mother-child moment?