Seyi Law is one of the popular comedians in Nigeria today.

Recently,it was speculated that his wife of 6 months is pregnant.

However, in a recent interview, he opened up on that and other issues.

There are some things I won’t probably want to talk about but I think God knows the best.That is the truth.Mine is to try my best and leave the rest to God.When God says it’s the time for her to get pregnant,it will happen.And you know,she is just rounding off and I think she deserves a break

Asked,how has life been as a married man,he saidIt’s been wonderful.Even when people see me nowadays,they say I’m looking bigger,and I say it’s one of the dividends of marriage.

My wife sees me as everything.I try to reveal myself to her in different forms but as a good man.I don’t want her to see me as a celebrity and I try as much as possible to amuse her and I believe in the saying that variety is the spice of life.I present myself as an amiable young man.When she least expects it,I dazzle her.

For me,its been full of gains in the sense that it’s been a roller coaster ride sort of.In fact,for the first two months into the marriage we had issues.But thank God we attended marriage counseling class before we tied the knots.

Also,your personal development,like my pastor would say,is something that has helped me to realize that we are different people and can learn from each other and make good of whatever situation we find ourselves.