Comic child actor Emmanuella Samuel is one of the funniest comedians in Nigeria who may end up becoming the best female comedian in the future. She has about 430,000 subscribers on her YouTube channel and her fan base is increasing every day.
She said that It is the Holy Spirit that inspires her social media posts. She also draws inspiration through her upbringing and the environment that she lives in. Her ‘Not my Real Face’ skit is even on Obama’s first daughter, Malia’s page and it had about 11 million views.
She didn’t know that the social media will make her very famous and also rich “I did not think about that while joining the social media. What I thought of was to get a new media where I could have a voice. I saw social media as a new media where you could have a voice without necessarily spending all your life savings. We tried normal television for a long time but it was not working. We had to spend a lot of money and my uncle’s job could not afford that always so we had to look for other ways to be heard.”
Talking about coping with school and fame “They don’t clash. I am still a kid and I am happy that my uncle is not treating me like an adult but a child that I am. I think things can only go wrong when they start treating me like an adult because I cannot become one overnight. Nothing has really changed about me since I became popular. The only difference is that I am not usually at home most weekends because there are several events I have to attend. When I am home, I live my normal life and I am not treated like a celebrity except occasionally when some people in my area see me and tell me they love my videos. I don’t have any issue with being popular.”
She added “It does not affect my school that much. During this holiday, I have started shooting for next season so when I resume school, I will just begin to release the videos. By doing this, it does not clash with my school work. It is only when I have an emergency shoot that I can be permitted to shoot when school resumes and it is usually on Fridays.”