Popularly known as Nico Gravity, Paul Nnamdi Okpara returned to the music scene after some years lay-off in a rather controversial manner, when he picked on Timaya in his wave-making album, Scatter Timaya. He tells KEHINDE OLATUNJI what fashion is to him.


I’m the fifth in the family of six.

What does fashion mean to you?

It’s a trend, a way of wearing what suits at a point in time

Style of dressing

I’m a jean and T-shirt person; you can never see me on suit except maybe on my wedding day.

Favourite colour
Red and blue. I love red because it brings out my complexion as a black person

Most cherished possession

My voice, it’s priceless and the best thing I ever had. It’s my identity, something I own that affects people the most.

Favourite designer

I’m not a fashion person; I like things that fit me I’m not crazy about designers. What will make me comfortable is just fine with me. I don’t care who made them.

Favourite piece of item

It’s my ring because I can’t go anywhere without it.

Most expensive item

My computer

Favourite food

Fufu and bitter leave soup.

Turn on

Humble people and people that are good what they do without being fake.

Turn off

Arrogant people, I hate them with a passion.

How do you feel as a musician?

I feel good and very passionate about it because it what I love doing and will continue to do.

Project into the future

I have plans to visit Charity Beth Torrey, make show for them and also to donate to them in my own way.


Before I went to music, I was learning how to sell spare parts in Idumota and that was when I discovered that I was always listening to music, rapping, making songs and people were always commending and encouraging me to take it up as a career. I just love music. I love to make people laugh. That time, it was not about the money. If you sing and people clap, you are very happy for a whole week. It was just the love for music that made me go into it.

Describe yourself three words

Simple, fun loving and hardworking.

Relationship with women

It’s a big problem. It is very hard to handle especially when they find out that you are not married. They all want commitment, which is easy to promise but hard to deliver. My 2010 resolution is to be very prayerful. I am praying to God to give me the wisdom to make the right choice. You can’t marry non-tested. If you want to buy a car, you have to test it to observe the engine noise and other things. I am just like test running, if things go well, I would get married before this year runs out.

If you were to change something in Nigeria what would it be?

PHCN. They cause half of the economic crisis we are facing in Nigeria.

Philosophy of life

Whatever you do, it should be aimed at making people happy because life is very short.