Our beloved brother Dr. Mbeke-Ekanem has in good faith suggested that we “build a memorial wall” for our fallen brothers and sisters during the political carnage that plagued the state and has painstakingly identified those slaughtered, maimed or kidnapped by their ethic groups all of whom seem to be Ibibios. Governor Akpabio – an Annang man is identified as the “Commander in Chief of the massacre, kidnappings and torture of these Ibibios.”

It appears from the list that our brother has no recall at all, memory loss or sketchy recall of the massacre of our Annang brothers and sisters in Uyo during the same period the shock of which gripped the state, the nation and the world. No blame of any kind is assigned to Akpabio’s political opponent Senator Udoedehe –Ibibio leader who is “accused of complicity in the massacre of innocent Annang people” some of whom may not have even seen Governor Akabio in their lives let alone participate in politics.

We are asked to “build a memorial wall” to immortalize our barbaric nature, show how we polluted our culture, and debased our values. How we found nothing rationally, spiritually and morally appealing in persons yet elected them as our leaders.

It is not suggested nor has it ever been considered that we should build a “memorial wall” for our men and women in uniform who fought and died some in their primes, for our creation and preservation and for their service to the country, the state and its people.

Oh no, argue the pundits, not that at all, it’s just that Dr. Mbeke-Ekanem has not gotten that far yet in his listing. He will eventually get there just give him some time and have patience.

In other words, Dr. Mbeke-Ekanem has memories of things that affect our Ibibio brothers and sisters, memories of Ibibio victims, in between, very little of no memory let alone the memory of the alleged “Ibibio leader’s complicity” in the slaughter of innocent Annang brothers and sisters of our state.

And forum pundits are quick to jump on the bandwagon and adopt the suggestion of “memorial wall” from the hill top with their mindset. No independent examination of the effect a monumental wall will do to the psychic of our people. They are ready to resort to name calling, label as “heresy” any writing that is critical of their Commander in Chief Dr. Mbeke –Ekanem or characterize the writer as a “sell out” or “sycophant.” Sounds familiar doesn’t it? But we take comfort in the teaching of Micha the prophet, Micha teaches us that “what the lord requires of us is to act justly.”

We must speak the truth to power no matter the consequences.

Murder, kidnappings and torture is not a natural state of human beings. Death as part of the atrocities of politics is nothing for us to ride home about.

There is no grand appeal in shaping the state in Akpabio- Udohehe’s image or memorizing the atrocities of their political era for our future generation.

What is there in political chaos, exceptionally bad leaders doing exceptionally bad job of petting neighbors against neighbors, murder, kidnappings except bad memories?

Are we building the “memorial wall” to teach our future generation that the business of politics is to promote murders; tortures; kidnappings and they should not indulge in service to the state or their country?

I do not think that we are that far lost yet that we can respond to cold blooded murder of our innocent citizens all over the state nor adopt the seductive allure of political carnage against innocent citizens of our state by both sides in the conflict as the character of the state or the nation for our future generation to emulate. We are shocked when one of our own murders because that is not the nature of our people. We wish that we can keep the memory of the carnage behind us instead of immortalizing it.

Instead, we should build “a memorial wall” for our men and women in uniform who fought and died in service to the our state and our country for their heroism before building “a memorial wall” for victims of political carnage whose estate can seek legal redress for wrongful death or the state can seek criminal prosecution of those who murdered, kidnapped or tortured them.