The legal battle between popular Yoruba comic actor, Babatunde Omidina, who is well known as Baba Suwe, and the National Drug Law
Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) over infringment on the former’s human right was decided in court today.
The matter, which was brought before Justice Yetunde Idowu of the Lagos High Court, only took about 45mins to end.
According to the judge, she said that the NDLEA has violated the rights of the actor by holding him for 24 days before charging him to court for an offence as against the normal 48hrs the Nigerian Constitution stipulates.
She therefore ordered the NDLEA to pay a sum of N25m to pay Baba Suwe and also publicly apologize to the actor in two National newspapers within 21 days.
Baba Suwe was reportedly arrested on October 12 at the Lagos International Airport on the suspicion of drug ingested. He was released on November 4 by the same judge, after the drug agency could not establish a drug offence against him.