The protracted leadership tussle in the Actors Guild of Nigeria (AGN) has taken a new dimension as the guild’s Board of Trustees, headed by Prince Ifeanyi Dike, has appointed veteran actor, Kanayo O. Kanayo as its Interim National President.

The board claimed that the tenure of Ejike Asiegbu as the National president of AGN has elapsed since 2007. The members of care-taker committee, which include Bimbo Manuel as the vice-president, agreed that the actor should run AGN ’s affairs for a period of six months before a new election will be conducted.

In a release signed by Ifeanyi Dike and other members of the board, it was stated as follows: ” considering the fact that the tenure of Ejike Asiegbu has expired, and he has failed to conduct an election to usher in a new administration to lead our noble guild. It has been concluded that the care-taker committee must as a matter of urgency take immediate possession of the properties of AGN.

“The care-taker committee must audit the accounts and properties of AGN and render a proper documentation of all registered members of the guild.”

According to Dike, “we are taking this action in view of the fact that a pro-active measure must be taken by the board of trustees by appointing a care-taker committee to run and oversee the affairs of AGN.”

When called Ejike Asiegbu on phone at about 11a.m. yesterday for his comment on the development, he simply said “I have no comment, thank you.”

The leadership crisis in AGN has been raging for sometime now following Ejike’s refusal to conduct a fresh election after the expiration of his tenure.

He was also accused of misappropriating the guild’s funds among others. The case was taken to the Igbosere Court in Lagos.