Nigerian artiste, Cynthia Morgan is known for her controversial lifestyle, but suddenly she started maintaining a low profile which many found strange.

Many were having the thought the singer might have been having a rethink and might her ways in the New Year, 2017.

But then does a chameleon change its skin? No of course, once a controversial person will always be a controversial individual.

To make a comeback, the singer made some comment bashing her haters which she addressed as To Whom It May Concern.

In her words: ” F**k everyone who has ever judges me wrongly, as long as my mum, grandma, cousin, uncle, dad/family and even my late grand pops knows me, say no more. Move along with yours, I am not here to make friends or get a new family, f**k with my music or get lost. To whom it may concern, if you don’t know me nor have genuine care, interest in me, don’t mention my name nor make friends with my name. You don’t know what I have through**k you and May your words choke you.”

Please who vexed Cynthia Morgan like this o, who could she be shading with so much anger within her heart?