When the news filtered in again that oge had been chased out by stanley duru her beau,i made contact with the actress at her husbands holland home and the hubby was the one who picked up the phone,in the background was the sound of laughter and a baby was crying in the back ground.

I asked to speak to oge and he transfered the call to ‘baby’.

The actress said she did not know why some people wished her evil and said she was more concerned
about her trip to london the next day to immunise her three month old daughter.

iIasked for a quick interview and the actress obliged saying

”Every marriage sometimes goes through the storm,mine isnt different but i assure you,i am
in good terms with my husband and we are still together,where will he chase me to?”

Stella:…Oge how is motherhood with two kids?

Oge:–..amazing sweetie.motherhood is really fulfilling.

Stella:…when are you returning to Nigeria?

Oge:..soon,no worries.

Stella:-…how old is your baby now?

Oge:..she is just 3months old.

Stella:–…when are you returning to work?

Oge:…..i am returning to work next year but will see my hommies in the next two months.

Stella:…do you plan on making more babies?

Oge:…babe i never know,make i comot for this one first.

Stella:..what is your baby’s name

Oge:…she is crystal

Stella:…when are you planning to celebrate your church wedding with stanley?

Oge…very soon dear,you will be the first to know.

Stella:…let me use this opportunity to ask you this question oge.why do people think that your union
to stanley has hit the rocks?

Oge:…my dear, i really dont know what to say to them,i dont know o.

Stella:…. in other words your union with stanley is as solid as a rock ?

Oge:….of course!

Stella:….oge thanks for talking.

Oge:…you are welcome stella.

So thats it people..she has spoken!