President Goodluck Jonathan of Nigeria on Monday said he is the most criticized president in the world and the following day his honourable Minister of Power, Prof. Bart Nnaji resigned over airy-fairy tales of corruption in the privatization of dysfunctional Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN) and the government cannot tell the anxious and curious citizens the TRUTH in a democracy?

The president says they are dialoguing with the dreaded Boko Haram Islamic terrorist sect, but the sect denies such a dialogue. So, who is fooling whom?

The president gives a regular largess of billions of dollars to their so called ex-militants who have records of armed robbery and murder in the Niger Delta and committed crimes they should have been prosecuted for.

How many people have they liberated in their creeks destroyed by their illegal refining and stealing of crude oil?

Freedom fighters cruising in expensive SUVs and regaling their wives, girlfriends and other spongers in their palatial mansions in Rivers State, Bayelsa State, Delta State and Abuja?

The billions of dollars are meant for providing peace and security in the Niger Delta?

But why are we still seeing spiral fumes from the creeks with stolen crude oil loaded into barges and tankers daily worsening the pollution and ecocide and kleptocracy? So, who is fooling whom?

Pensioners are still gnashing their teeth over arrears of their unpaid pensions and unceremoniously sacked bankers are protesting and picketing in front of their banks on the street?