Tope Tedala is one of the most loved Nollywood actor whose simplicity and cuteness has won him the love and admiration of so many.

The actor is quite versatile as he has picked up several challenging roles that’s not so many would have been able to do.

In a recent interview monitored by, the actor who talked about his growing up, disclosed he had a very confused childhood.

According to him, he couldn’t decide on what he wanted to become in life as he wanted to be an engineer at the beginning, later on, he wanted to be a doctor and several ideas kept on crawling in.

At a point when he was much older, reality soon set in and while watching old movies, he discovered a passion for the arts and it grew stronger till he was able to chase his dreams.

Funny right? Well, many of us went through such growing up and that why we end up as professionals on the chosen profession we settle with.