NigeriaFilms offers several advertising options including Geo-locations advertizing, full-page and fractional ads, inserts, onserts and custom programs. The funding which this generates is used to develop better content, programming and infrastructure.
Units and Formats
The diverse range of available advertising formats (standard IAB units) include:
- Skyscrapers — 120×600 or 160×600 (in right column of any section-front page)
- Medium Rectangles — 300×250 (in the right column, buttom and accross pages)
- Leaderboards — 728×90 (across the buttom of any page)
- Banners — 468×60 (across the top of any page)
- Sidebar — 125×125 and 120×90 in the left column of any page)
We accept GIF, HTML, and Rich Media formats, contingent upon testing approval. Maximum of four animated frames per creative. No strobing effects. For Flash, we only accept Macromedia Flash Version 5 and above (.swf format). SWF files must have the “ClickTag” variable expression in place for embedded URLs and target windows must be set to “_blank”. All flash creatives require a back-up GIF image.
A page impression is the number of times an entire page, including the ads,is viewed by one of our readers. (‘Hits’ is a less useful measurement,since there can be any number of these on a single page.