When you come across some Nigerian entertainers and ask them on how the struggled and their most embarrassing moment on stage, they definitely have one or two to share but surprisingly, one comedian which is Omobaba, does not have any bad moment on stage.

The versatile comedian in an interview programme with TVC Entertainment Splash programme monitored by Nigeriafilms.com recently, stated that he has tried to ensure that the jokes he cracks were his own jokes and not stolen or recycled.

In his words, “See, the truth is I have never been embarrassed on stage before because I prepare myself well for the audience I want to face so I have never had any bad experience on stage.”

He stated that for one to be able to carry the crowd along as a comedian, he should be able to learn fast and know the kind of jokes to say that will make them laugh as they the comedians are the once that ease stress from the faces of Nigerians.

Omobaba stated that comedians are the first doctors before the ones in the hospital because people go through stress in the country and to ease off the stress, they come out to relax so comedians need to know what to say to make them laugh.