His Royal Majesty, Oba Joseph Moronfoye Okunlola, Onigbaye of Ig­baye believes that Emmanuel Adebayor could regain his goals scoring form if he decides to obey Ogun, the Yoruba god of iron. In this inter­view with SoccerStar, the Monarch who rules over the hometown of the former FC Metz of France striker wants him to embrace peace and settle his rift with his mother and siblings. Excerpts…

How are the natives of Igbaye reacting to the crisis between Emmanuel Adebayor and his mother?

Since the story was published by The Sun Newspapers and SoccerStar last month, the adults in the community have been fol­lowing the matter, but the youths in Igbaye and those who are very conversant with the use of the internet read about it online. But when The Sun Publishing Limited visited Lome in Togo, we were able to read a hard copy with the current picture of Rotimi, the sixth child and their mother Emiola.

We recognize them as our own people. Their relations are here in Igbaye and also at Ekusa. The head of the family is Pa Nathan­iel Okunlola. He is 103 years old and he can say all you need to know about the family whenever you wish to meet him.

We spoke with Rotimi, Emmanuel’s younger brother about his hometown, are you satisfied with his reply?

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We were surprised that Rotimi said he couldn’t remember if he had ever been to Igbaye. He had his early childhood here. He lived in Ekusa with his mother’s elder brother, the late Elekusa of Ekusa. He also lived in Igbaye with his Father’s brother. Their mother also comes around once in a while and I was told that their late father used to come home during Easter and Christ­mas period.

What is your opinion about the issue and what steps have your office taken to intervene?

I have met with close rela­tions from Adebayor’s maternal hometown in Ekusa and also spoke with the head of the fami­ly in Igbaye. It’s unfortunate that their father died some years ago. From what I gathered from the two parties, their father wouldn’t have allowed the situation to snowball into this magnitude. I know a little about their father because the late Chief Noah Aweda Taiyese (Asiwaju of Ig­baye) told me good things about him. He was instrumental to their father’s journey to Accra, Ghana before moving over to Lome in Togo. We are working out plans to meet with them and intervene.

Are there plans to invite Emmanuel Adebayor and sib­lings to Igbaye?

Not really because the meet­ing can take place anywhere but they must invite us to be part of the peace meeting and the spiritual cleansing can also take place anywhere. That is what we want. We appeal to Sheyi to make himself available for the proposed meeting because the issue can only be sorted out if everyone is present.

You mentioned spiritual cleansing; in what way would that be carried out because we heard that their father was a strong member of the Anglican Church in Igbaye?

They have a god they serve in their family and we have consulted the oracle about the problem involving Emmanuel Adebayor, his mother and siblings. It’s a spiritual problem, which needs a complete spiritual cleansing, including offering a sacrifice. Even their mother is from Ile Oluode, so she under­stands everything we are talking about.

Which god?

Their god is Ogun, the Yoruba god of Iron. They must offer sac­rifice to appease Ogun. It’s not compulsory for everyone to be present when the sacrifice would be carried out. They can send an individual who must be of the same parent with Emmanuel Adebayor. But they must agree on this decision and the sacrifice would be carried out at a place and date, which would be known to them. They need to appease Ogun if they want peace to reign in the family and this also involves their career as well.

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Any previous case in Igbaye land that the god was pacified in a bid to solve prob­lem?

Yes, there were many but the one that quickly comes to memory is the man who is based in Ibadan. He had problems in his career and experienced dwindling fortunes in all aspect of life. Later masquerades begin to chase him in his dreams. He returned home to consult with the elders. Then they decided to appease the god of their family. His forefathers worshipped mas­querades. They offered sacrifices to the god and they were lucky that it was accepted and his situ­ations changed.

Apart from being the Onigbaye, are you into any other profession?

No, I was a teacher and later went into full time farming before I became the Kabiyesi, Onigbaye of Igbaye on May 14, 2007.

Is there any time­frame for the sacri­fice to be carried out and how often would that continue to take place?

I wouldn’t go into such details now but the oracle has spoken. It’s now their choice to make a decision.
-IKENNA OKAFOR, who was in Osun State