Most entertainers in Nigeria had humble beginnings and Bovi Ugboma, a top comedian in Nigeria, is not left out. The happily married father of two tasted the bad side of life while coming up, but he did not allow those days swallow him.

The native of Isoko in Delta state gave a flash of what he is made of when he starred in a sitcom: ‘Extended Family’, which he wrote, produced, and packaged in 2007. Since then, he has registered his brand of comedy on the consciousness of entertainment buffs in the country.

Recalling his challenges before stamping his authority in the industry, Bovi, as he is simply called, revealed that his doggedness brought him into limelight.

“I was so passionate I never took no as an answer. If one door closes, it was only a matter of time before I’d knock again. I started off with my sitcom ‘Extended Family’. My challenge was on the flip side. Fame hit me earlier than expected. Dealing with it was huge because I couldn’t even afford three square meals and good clothes or a car at the time, either did I have the energy to fake it.

“The love from the streets was intense. So all I could do was watch and pray for my brand to be born. Another major challenge I faced was resisting the industry practice of being stereotyped. I know I’m capable of many things.

“So I vehemently resisted being put in a box. Greedy people tried to promote me as a slap stick, rustic, village, native, bush and garage comedian. It made me livid. I saw it as an insult and a limitation. And I saw through them. This wasn’t love for me. It was love for their commercial success. I was working towards swimming in the sea and they were offering me a fish pond,” he narrated.