A popular On-Air Personality, Ik Osakioduwa has reached out to the unsuspecting menfolk to be more vigilant as the sale of fake butts is fast becoming a trend.

He posted a picture of padded butt merchandise on his social media page and captioned it: “Somebody is selling deceit. God is watching you people.”

Fans of the presenter, majority of whom were females, reacted to the post telling him that the females need to be well-packaged for the males to appreciated.

@thelmaandrews: “Girlssssss RUN!!!! We’ve been EXPOSED!!! LOOL.”

@iamfunmieko: “Fake it till you make it.”

@chubbclef: “Hahahahaha!!! Whyyyyyyyyyyyy????? What have we done to deserve this? *hot tears”

@ibukunoluwadt: @ikosakioduwa *sobs* *lots of sobs* *lmfao* your sense of humor ehn comes from the weirdest things. *lwkmd oh*

@samidavinci: Girls are buying deceit to sell for guys…lol”

@luwafemi_david: “Lolz….. that is why men use style to touch before final payment of signing of contract. … time are gone when you go price monkey on top tree…. @ikosakioduwa”