In the aftermath of Boko Haram’s killing of over 2000 innocent Nigerian civilians in Baga, Borno state, it is necessary to ask certain pertinent and pressing questions:

What is Boko Haram’s real agenda? If Boko Haram wishes to establish a caliphate in Nigeria, why would they kill the very population that they intend to preside over?

Baga at Nigeria’s border with Chad is almost 100% Muslim. Why would a so-called Muslim terrorist organization exterminate Muslims?

Why did the Boko Haram terrorists in the Baga attack go after and kill even fleeing residents? Does this mean that Boko Haram’s agenda is total annihilation of the northeast and perhaps the north of Nigeria?

Why does Boko Haram burn every building in sight? Does this mean the terrorists are not interested in occupying or utilizing any structure or infrastructure in the occupied territories? Are they then after the land and its ecological and agricultural resource?

Why does Boko Haram kill the local farming population? The terrorists then in need of food invade markets and livestock farms in neighboring Cameroon to get food. What is the logic here?

Why has Boko Haram never spelt out a clear agenda?

Why does Boko Haram abduct boys and girls from Muslim and Christian homes without discrimination to be used as sex slaves and as conscripted soldiers, without care for the local populace which they ultimately must depend on for food, and who they need to make any kind of successful campaign against the Nigerian army and Nigerian state?

Why does Boko Haram carry out acts and release videos that are desperately intended to provoke and invite western/foreign intervention in Nigeria?

Why does Boko Haram willfully remain ambiguous, never spelling out a clear objective or aenda, but accepting whatever new agenda the global media suggests? For instance the claim of a caliphate only came up after ISIS declared one and the global media began to say that Boko Haram wanted one too somewhere in Nigeria. The global media has suggested other interesting stories like –an agenda to divide Nigeria, to “Islamize” Nigeria, to introduce Shariah—later edited to, to introduce a stricter form of Shariah, etc, and the terrorisms have never corrected or denied these western media made-up propositions.

If results points to objective; is it reasonable to say that Boko Haram’s agenda, as their actions clearly spell out is simply annihilation of the populace and occupation/annexation of the land?

Apart from selling kidnapped children, and looting towns, where does Boko Haram get its funding? Why have the Nigerian and Chadian governments not been able to identify its source of massive finance?

Why has Boko Haram never attacked Chad?

Why has Boko Haram never gone below the Niger River? Throughout its six years in existence, the terrorists have limited their attacks exclusively to the north of Nigeria.

Why has Boko Haram never attacked, killed, or the attempted to kill a single Nigerian wealthy cabal or top government official? Why have the terrorists only killed peasants, the poor, the faithful and religious leaders in the north who all polls their ideology?

Why does the Nigerian government deal with Boko Haram with kid gloves?

Why does the international community turn a blind eye to Boko Haram terror?

Why do Chad and Niger harbor and support Boko Haram terrorists?

Why is the president of Chad Idriss Deby a supporter and sponsor of Boko Haram as several media articles have shown? What is Idriss Deby’s interest in Nigeria’s north? Why do his aides supply Boko Haram weapons and why does he help to supply them funds in hostage dealings?

Is Boko Haram sponsored by Chad to disrupt Oil Exploration in shared oil reserves it is draining at the Nigeria-Chad border as Chad has been accused of doing/sponsoring unrest identically at its shared oil abundant border region with the Central African Republic, CAR?

Why did Nigeria’s president, Goodluck Jonathan, Ali Modu Sheriff and Chad’s president, Idriss Deby set up and announce the fake ceasefire to allow Boko Haram regroup and perpetrate more dastardly acts of terror on the people of Nigeria and Cameroon? It is noted that Senator Ali Modu Sheriff is heavily invested in Chad oil and Nigeria’s current present and former leader (Olusegun Obasanjo) have reportedly been introduced to the thriving oil business in Chad by Sheriff.

Who is the Chadian, Abu Mahjin and where is he?

Who is Khalid Al-Barnawi of Harakatul-Muhajiriina Wal-Mujahidiin and why is he never mentioned by Nigerian security press?

Who is the Boko Haram contact that always sets up meetings in Saudi Arabia, and what is the role if any of Saudi Arabia in Boko Haram?

What is the role of France in Boko Haram and why is the French Media the terrorist’s main propaganda channel?

Why do France and America continue to support the president of Chad in spite of the various clearly recognized atrocities he commits, sponsors and supports in Nigeria and the Central African Republic, CAR?

Do the resources of the lake Chad Basin have anything to do with Boko Haram? Is a competition for the dwindling water of Lake Chad, the oil in the Chad Basin, the fertile land of the northeast the reason for Boko Haram terror?

Why has the Nigerian government lied that they would arm that patriotic civilians to defend themselves but refused to do so?

Why have the world powers failed to sanction and punish the Nigerian government for continuing to allow and protect Boko Haram and its campaign of terror in West Africa? We see their response in other areas of conflict is starkly different.

Why do the global media continue to spread a lie that Nigeria is divided between a Muslim north and Christian south, whereas them off has states that are almost completely Muslim and the southwest has more of its states largely Muslim; making any idea of a really just divide totally impossible along any given line.

Why did the former National Security adviser of Nigeria, Andrew Azazi killed in a helicopter crash, and MEND leader Henry Okah accuse the Nigerian PDP leadership of being behind bombings and terror in the country?

Why have the western world failed to arrest, sanction, or in any other way reprimand a single Nigerian, African or other politician or leader for links to Jamaa’atu Ahlis-Sunnati Lid-Da’wati Wal-Jihad (‘Alal-Haqq) of Sheikh Bukar, Shekau’s Jamaa’atu Ahlis-Sunnati Lid-Da’wati Wal-Jihad, aka- Boko haram, Ansorul-Muslimiin Harakatul-Muhajiriin and other terrorist organizations operating in Nigeria?

Why did Nigeria’s government never declared Boko Haram leaders wanted until after a private organization Muslims Against Terror did so in August of 2012; and in the same vein why did the United States never prescribed Boko Haram, Ansaru and other leaders till after the Chibok abduction in 2014? Additionally, why did Nigeria’s president fight hard to block the listing of Boko Haram as an FTO, foreign terrorist Organization?

Why does Nigeria’s military leadership refuse to fight Boko haram, and always allow the group access to weapons, intelligence and escape routes?

What are Ali Modu Sheriff and rtd. General Azubike Ihejirika’s roles and connections to the terror? Why did the former chief of the army continue to allow the transfer of weapons to Boko Haram without court-martialing a single soldier in his four year tenure? Why did the former army chief disband the efficient joint task force, JTF right when victory was in sight and replace it with a docile army division 7 when he abandoned the war against Boko haram and allowed them to regroup in open assembly in Sambisa forest, to re-colonize Nigeria?

Why is the global media blackout on Boko Haram maintained, regardless of atrocities committed by the terrorists and in some occasions like the current instance of the Baga 2000+ massacre—the worst terror tragedy of the current decade, by conveniently re-directing of global attention to less grievous issues in colonial nations. Are these coincidences or intentional? And is there possibly a sinister agenda or is it just that black lives do not matter?

And finally, why has the Goodluck Jonathan administration never in its six years arrested a single politician, cabal or other top level official tactical of sponsor of Boko Haram (despite President Goodluck Jonathan confessing that he knew who these people were in his administration)?