Before now, there have been doubts on the real age of Nollywood actress, Chika Ike. To some, the light-skinned make-believe babe is over well 30 while some others see her just around age 30. On November 8, 2012, Chika Ike celebrated her 27th birthday in Enugu in funfare.
Days after her birthday, there have been controversies over the real age of Chika. While some have sworn that Chika is well over 30, others believe that the former heartthrob of a Delta State politician is truly the age she just celebrated few weeks ago, 27.
From her outlook, Chika seems to be over 27 to many, but the Anambra State-born actress is telling those who care to know that she is 27.
Meanwhile, the UN ambassador celebrated her birthday with some of her fans at the just concluded Enugu trade fair where she gave her numerous fans the opportunity to buy from her Fancy Nancy stores with discounts on goods bought.