The world today is at the peak of advancement in Science and Technology most especially as evident in the inventions and innovations in Information and Communication Technology one of wish offsprings is the Global System of Communication(GSM).Out of the many nations of the world that have been drastically touched with the impact of ICT,our dear country,the giant of Africa is not left out.Prior to 1999 in Nigeria,GSM Phones were only exclusive to the few rich and technocrats.Much thanks to the Obasanjo Regime which welcomed telecommunication investors and ensured that mobile phone become affordable to average Nigerian.

Within a decade of advent of GSM in Nigeria,so many mobile phone manufacturers find a fertile ground in the country as they continuously flood the nation’s mobile phone market with their assorted brands.Popular today in Nigeria mobile markets are brands such as Nokia,
Samsung,Motorola,Android,Apple,Techno famously called ‘Chinco’ among Nigerians,etc

However,the new brand of mobile phone enjoying popularity in the country at the moment is the Blackberry Phone. BlackBerry is a line of mobile e-mail and smartphone devices developed and designed by Canadian company Research In Motion (RIM) since 1999.BlackBerry phones function as a Personal Digital Assistant(PDA) and Portable Media Player.

They are primarily known for their ability to send and receive Internet e-mail, Internet faxing, Web browsing,Pinging and other wireless information services wherever mobile network service coverage is present, or through Wi-Fi connectivity. They support a large array of instant messaging features, including BlackBerry Messenger.Blackberry started gaining fame in Nigeria from last year when some Nigeria mobile network operators like MTN,GLO and ETISALAT joined BlackBerry Enterprise Server and started rendering BlackBerry Internet Service.The number of blackberry users in the country has ever since continued to soar and as well created a sense of social economic dichotomy and status owing to the fact that only a few Nigerians with less financial constraints can afford it for now.

With its introduction into the Nigerian context,Blackberry has caused various hitches in interpersonal relationship among Nigerians who have abused its use.Even though we cant rule out the fact that before the introduction of blackberry phones in Nigeria ,most Nigerians have, just like most other citizens of advance nations,replaced interpersonal and human relationship with computers,smartphones and other ICT gizmos,Blackberry appear to have currently complicated good interpersonal human relationship among its Nigerian users more than any other mobile device in a decade of advent of GSM in the country

On a more serious note,majority of Nigerian Blackberry users have apparently been invaded with an endemic and epidemic of what I call BB(Black Berry) fever or flu.It is now a common sight in the country to see many BB users in public places such as offices,commercial bus,markets express/motor highways,etc,playing and toying with their BB in the name of ‘PINGING’

This BBfever and flu does not exempt even the adults.Here and there on daily basis you notice on the street several BB Fever infected individuals who cant just get their hands off their phones for one minute. Even why watching movie in the Cinema, they are always cautious of their phones.Even while driving ,they hold the steeringn with one hand and BB with the other.Even while eating,they hold cutlery in one hand and BB in the other. Even while verbally communicating with others, they always still on their BB.

This is really irritating particularly when the subject of communication is essential and need emergent attention of the BB freak.When you forcibly draw the attention of the BB fever ‘patient’ so as as to make him concentrate and hear you out, you only have his concentration for about 2-3 minutes, then he’s back on the BB again.This situation is particular to a BB first timer/ user.Due to BB pinging,many have lost or are at the verge of losing their marriage,job,contracts etcThere are have been cases where girl friends accused their boyfriends of asking another girl out with his BB or situations whereby a student arrived late in exam hall or a company boss failed to meet targets due to pinging.

Various BB addicts have come up with a number of excuses whenever confronted with their excessive pinging habit.While some would claim that they are doing business or responding to clients and customers,some would hide under the shield of researching for something very essential

What should we do to curb excessive habit of BB using? Should a forum or conference be organized to sensitize and orientate BB users? Or in a lighter mood,should the government intervened by legislating against the use of BB in public places?Whichever way we see it,there is a need for BB user to always caution themselves and device personal measures to control and regulate their addiction to BB.As a BB user it is odd to ping almost evrytime and everywhere just as it is equally odd for one to talk everytime and everywhere one goes.As a BB user,put yourself in position of others and imagine you are trying to have a conversation with someone and they are busy pinging away on their BB ,whether it’s a date or a colleague at work.I know you would find it down right rude.

For those who are always victims in the presence of BB users who are fond of ignoring and neglecting your important conversation with them by pinging continuously on BB,

I have a long lasting to your plight.The secret to solve this problem and make the busy BB user craving for ur attention is this:

What To Do

Simply stop talking when he is pinging on his BB. Become a passive participant in your conversation or outing. Or better still give him the poker face when he is done pinging and starts talking to you. Act like you are dumb and can’t relate to what he’s saying and when he asks what’s wrong tell him and keep up the attitiude for as long as he keeps up the pinging, he just might get the message.

This I assure you is the best way to treat BB users who are always so overwhelmed with pinging that they forget you are even human being while trying to get something across to them.Hoevwer I have this to say to BB users: TO ALL BB USERS:PING RESPONSIBLY