The story of ‘Omo Night Club’ (1&2) appears simple enough even though it covers many disks: Adesewa (Ireti Osayemi) can get whatever she wants from any man she desires and she milks these men to emptiness, even death. She takes no prisoners and is like ‘she who must be obeyed’. It’s also simple enough to understand that she derives all her powers from ‘agboluaje’, a powerful medicine man who she summons at will through the special mirror hanging inside her wardrobe.
Her first victim is Jide Kosoko’s character who is addressed both as Chief Bolajoko and Banjoko. However, the story gets rather ambitious and complicated when club girls – including Kemi (Mosun Filani) – convince Adesewa as their ‘chairlady’ to introduce them to her source of wealth and power. It’s at this point the women all appear to forget the rules of the game and bite more than they can chew with disastrous consequences.
As far as stories go, this one uses a sledgehammer to make the point about dangerous club girls. Things are done to extremes, thus sometimes leaving gaps in the middle. Characters are often one-sided. There’s also a lot of seemingly pointless club scenes. And the club crowd don’t always add up. The idea is that the club girls are on the lookout for wealthy men. But the majority of the people we see at the drinking joints/clubs don’t fit in. Quite a few look clueless and resemble bus conductors (no disrespect intended). Surely, we expect the girls to visit places where there’ll be potential patrons? Camera work gets dodgy midway especially with the live band action.
There’s something to salvage Omo Night Club, though. It’s pacy, which makes you go through the disks quite fast; minus the ‘agboluaje’ and ‘odd world’ scenes. More significantly, there is Ireti Osayemi’s interpretation of her role as Adesewa. She is a very believable bad girl, far better than the rest of the club girls. Ireti makes being a bad girl almost look good.
The movie star Ireti Osayemi, Jide Kosoko, Bolaji Amusan, Mosun Filani and directed by Odunlade Adekola.
The story would have had more gravitas if it (only) revolved around Adesewa.