J.J Bunny is a Ghanaian Nigerian born American actress. “The Governors gift” featuring Jim Iyke and Tonto Dike, “Cage” starring Desmond Eliot, “This is Huston” featuring Ini Edo, “The Bed” and “Paparazzi” with van Vicker, “X-Class” starring John Dumelo” “The other side of Love” with Ramsy (yet to release) etc, are some of her credited movies and all was shot in the State.

Living in the State all live, J.J sees nothing wrong with the explicit we have in our movies these days. “I don’t have problem with it been exposed. We just have to make sure we… label it right so that families can pick the right content for their children to watch”, her words.

In the movie, “Why Marry” Majid Michel strip of his trousers leaving his P and buttocks exposed to the camera, yet one could not see the significant of the exposed. We asked of her opinion and these were her quoted words; “Well, it’s a comedy and what I saw unique about the movie is to expect the unexpected, even in American movies there are some crazy scenes that mean nothing but yet it makes the movie so it really worked. All scenes are not supposed to mean… something.

At the hearing of a two cast movie, she doubted if the movie will be nice, nevertheless, she was satisfied with the output and praised the cast director for his cast. Having a movie with only two casts, the director needs brilliant actors to bring it on. “When it involves Majid and Yvonne Okoro, am certain that nothing will go wrong. Great job” she added.

Currently, the sexy looking actress is in Ghana shooting a Frank Rajah Film alongside, Majid Michel, Yvonne Okoro etc. being her first time in Ghana, J.J Bunny is overwhelmed to work with the gurus in the Ghanaian movie industry. She is open to criticism and wishes all her fans well. “People of GH, I Love you all and I Love your county, Mwaah (kisses)” she concludes.

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