Ever since the renowned gospel group (KUSH) that consists of Lara George, Ty Bello, and Emem spilted, hardly will you see Ace Photographer cum Singer Ty Bello perform any of her songs on stage as a solo artiste (for reason she never made public).According to our sources, the last time she performed on stage was as a member of Kush back in 2004.
But to our dismay, Ty Bello took to the stage to perform for the first time as a solo artist at the lunch with President Good luck Jonathan pre-inauguration ceremony that took place Tuesday, May 24, 2011 and one start to wonder how much she was paid to perform.
Further findings reveals that she was among the official photographer for the pre inauguration thanksgiving service held last Saturday, and the actual swearing in of the President on May 29 at Eagle Square, Abuja.
Am quite sure Ty will be smiling to the bank by now.