Susan Harvey, better known as Goldie, is looking for a boyfriend. The diva has publicly declared her search for a young male partner.

On Twitter, a social network site, Goldie wrote, “I need a male, good, agile youth as a friend.” She went ahead to write, “I am looking for a very GAY friend. Any ideas? Somebody should DM (direct message) me please.

When we called her on the telephone, the singer said she was only looking for a best friend.

“How can I be looking for boyfriend on Twitter? I just need a best friend. I need somebody I can talk to. I need somebody I can just tell my normal ‘gist.’ All the people surrounding me are just dry people who talk about work, shows and work. I am lonely. I desperately need a friend,” she cried.

Anyway, not much is really known about Harvey’s relationship status. Some people have gone to town with the gist that she is married while others have alleged that the babe is into same sex relationship, which she has denied over and over in different reports.

Whichever the case, the singer has come out to say that she is frantically searching for a boyfriend, who must be a youth and also agile.