At a movie location recently in Enugu, exclusively gathered that, Kenneth Okonkwo, Clem Ohamese, Mercy Johnson and others were chased out of ignominiously at gun point when the owner of the placed considered their actions as illegal and intruding.
The movie stars and other crew were said to have, without prior notification, stormed this particular house of one of the rich dudes in Enugu. Surprisingly, the house owner on sighting them making arrangement to set their equipment, he was said to have rudely driven them out with a riffle when all effort to make them leave gently didn’t work by the house owner.
According to an eye-witness account, Chommy Chokor, the location manager, who apparently gained access to the property through a wrong contact tried to explain things to the man but before one says pronto, the already angry man, dashed into his bedroom, brought out a riffle and asked them to evacuate his house or we have their bodies on the ground.
“We actually thought the man was trying to rehearse a portion of the script until he started putting bullets in the gun before we realized it wasn’t a movie act but a reality.” Said a source.
Kenneth Okonkwo, according to the information, was first to take to his heel, almost crashing at the gate, before others followed. We shall keep you posted as event unfolds.