Katakata burst out at a film location recently in Abeokuta. It was at the making of a new movie by the lady who produced Gongo Aso, a Yoruba flick. We learnt the popular actor, Murphy Afolabi and his long time actress girlfriend; Wunmi Ajiboye almost let hell loose at the film location which also had Toyin Aimakhu on set.
According to an eye witness, actor Murphy Afolabi has been eyeing a particular lady at the film location. Later on, he made passes at the lady and she agreed to meet him at his reserved room. Just few minutes after the girl entered the actor’s room, some friends of Wunmi Ajiboye hinted her and she went banging the door of the room.
We gathered that, Wunmi was shouting on top of her voice, saying, “Murphy I know you are there with a lady, open the door!”. The actor, who knew what could happen, refused to open the door until much later when Wunmi had been calmed.
After the embarrassing situation, the producer of the movie gave the upcoming actress, the beating of her life and sent her out of the location premises after pleading with Wunmi who also featured in the movie. The two lovers didn’t speak with each other till they left the movie location. But we learnt they are back together now and things have returned back to normal between the two love birds.