The job of the a make-up artiste requires precision, creativity, passion and a deep sense of morality due to the exposure one encounters in the profession. But it becomes an entire new ball game when a guy has to do the job and Ladi Munis is sure one guy that is really driven by passion for what he does as a make up artiste. In the waves of temptations and advances from the femalesfolks, Ladi, who initiated the popular Nigeria Make-over Show, disclosed to AHAOMA KANU AND RITA IGHODALO how he wades off the daring ladies.

So what is your idea behind the Make over show?
We have a workshop that we are planning towards and skill acquisition. Everyone cannot be a banker or a doctor we should work on what ever talent we have and appreciate it and see where our service is needed. We focus on small scale business.

As a guy in the make up industry which is often a ladies place, how do you cope with the ladies and their temptation?
I have been doing make up for a long time now I will say that I have the passion and it is my profession and became so after my service year and once you see something as a profession then you have to take it with all your heart you do not have to mix pleasure with work, if I am working then I am working.

Who are those make up artists that we should look out for?
We are trying to step up, we are expecting Modella, Sharon a make up artist for Anita Baker and Lionel Richie she is from Washington she will be coming down here we are looking forward to seeing Paccion a make up artist from Paris and we will be seeing Tara too, Bunmi of Unveil and some other make up artists too.

Are you going to use any special make up products?
All the make up artists will be using their make up, if Tara is coming then definitely she will bring her Orekelewa make up products, if Paccion is coming from Paris then she will bring her Forever make up as long as they have their own brand then they can use their product just to show case it too.

What would you achieve at the end of the show?
We should celebrate us; the make up artists, when we are talking of movie production make up artist goes a long way. The show will help bring make up artist to a union that is up to standard and people will start appreciating our work and know that we are not just doing it because we are lazy but we are professional. With my first degree and MBA I can work some where else but this is what I love doing.

What do you have to say about the last edition?
Well so far so good the last edition was ok, unlike the first edition which we did to just see how it will look like then the second edition we improved on so many things where we had more make up artists like and I think that is a bonus

So what do you think will make this edition different from others?
We will be having more make up artist from abroad someone like Sharon that makes up for Anita Baker, we are also going to use a shady venue unlike before where we use open venue all the invited guest will be well taken care of. To spice it up, this year we will be having a seminar where we will be doing more like a work shop where I am inviting lecturers from the University of Ife where I did my MBA they will teach us on small scale business so that it will not just look like a make up thing, how do you as a make up artist make money from what you are doing they will be looking at the small scale or entrepreneurial development.

We see other shows being incorporated with music are you thinking towards that?
That will be more like a side attraction probably when we have the first set of make up artist showcasing their stuff others will be preparing so for the audience not to have a dull moment we will always bring in musicians and comedians.

What challenges are you facing doing this show?
Capital has been a major thing maybe it is because the concept is still growing, makeup is not really what we do in Nigeria but now people are exposed to it, people want to invest in what they know very well. I think that we need sponsors because without sponsors we cannot achieve so many things.

Who exactly are these sponsors that you are talking about?
We are looking at corporate bodies, we are aware that we have problems with the banking sectors but not withstanding shows must be inline with your products and when we are talking about media support it goes a long way which I know will change and promote the image of that particular product. But right here in Nigeria I think media support would help a lot to achieve good sponsors.

What are you doing towards getting the sponsors?
I am still campaigning through the media both the electronic and prints
How does your girl friend cope with you always in making ladies up?
We are both in the that line, she is used to it she makes clothes, initially she used to feel that I do not have time for then I convinced her that there was nothing with me and other ladies when I am going out for jobs we go there together although she is not in Lagos, she stays in Ibadan she watch me doing my thing and we go home together, for now, she is used to it.

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