It is no longer news that a highflying comic fathered a child with his girlfriend. What is new is that the lady is fed up with the way the Delta born comedian treats her. If we were Americans we would probably say that her man treats her like dirt. Aside the annoying fact that this dreadlock wearing comedian has shown no signs of marrying her, the said lady’s friends totally hate the way the power-dresser entertainer goes about telling people that marriage is the last thing on his mind. Many would agree that the monies spent on the one-year birthday party of the comic’s son earlier in the year could finance a grade B wedding. Sources told us that though the comedian’s fiancÈ is well educated with a Law degree, he hardly asks her what she thinks. According to them, this stand up comic who is headlining a monthly comedy show only instructs his lover on what he wants, notwithstanding how she feels about it. His attitude, we gathered, has led friends of the lady to advise her to re-evaluate the relationship.

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