Chika Ike is a beautiful lady who was one of the most sort after actress in Nollywood. The actress is a talented and exceptional individual whose prowess is second to none.

She has been in the industry for long, so one can say she knows the pros and coins of the industry like she knows herself.

Although the actress’s face has been very scarce in movies recently but she is still very relevant and active in the industry.

As an owner of a movie production outfit, the diva has been spending more time in producing films which she sometimes features in as well.

Like some of our celebrities, the actress is listed among the most eligible spinster in the industry, as many have anticipated a wedding bell; it has refused to ring till date.

Meanwhile, there is no denial that the actress is a beauty to behold as she often makes men gaga when she steps out in her fashionable way.

We have seen her slay several times, she is a chic to the core with a mixture of class, elegance, poise, and brains.

 Today, we are sharing with you five pictures of her we love and adore; her cuteness in this picture is overdose. Keep it up slayer!!

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